TERF – Derogatory or Honorary

Photo by Dennis Magati on Pexels.com

There are many things that society deem unpopular and impolite to discuss throughout the ages. Is the earth flat or round? Were black slaves human beings or animals? Were women property or autonomous? Can surgery make a biological man a biological woman?

Gender Hierarchy

In the US, Caucasian women fought for the right to vote, to be included in the workplace and obtain other basic rights which are taken for granted today. The Black women feminists benefited from the strides that Caucasian feminists made but black women also had their own struggles of being seen as women despite their skin colour.

Whether we like it or not, in the US, there is a gender hierarchy. At the top is Caucasian men (the richer the better), Caucasian women, then minorities. Within the minority grouping, there is also a pecking order of value which is measured by the fairer the complexion and the closer to Caucasian features, the higher on the value scale.

Women’s Disintegrating Rights

American women are not only struggling to regain rights to their own bodies but they are in competition with men for the right to be called women or natural born women.

As abortion rights are stripped away by many conservative states, the public is beginning to see that abortion is not just about irresponsible women using this method as birth control. A pregnant woman, Kate Cox, had to petition the courts to grant an abortion, as advised by her doctor, due to her fetus’ terminal diagnosis. This is a problem. She was initially granted permission by the lower court but immediately challenged by a Caucasian male state prosecutor and she was later denied this medical procedure by the Supreme Court. There is a problem.

When an organization dedicated to addressing endometriosis – a woman’s medical issue – employs a male who identifies as female as the CEO who refuses to use the word woman, there is a problem. In defense of the individual, the founder announces to the world that endometriosis is not a woman or gynaecological issue, there is a problem.

In Scotland, a man who was guilty of raping two women before he transitioned to a transwoman was sent to a female prison. This is a problem. Luckily, due to public outcry, he was moved to a male prison.

These are only a few public stories in which women’s outcry about having their own spaces (bathhouses, bathrooms, domestic violence shelter, prisons etc) and making choices that affect their own bodies are hushed by a few and supported by the legal system.


Transphobia is the new word for anyone who disagrees with anything related to transgender. JK Rowling and others have suffered a label and relentless attacks for speaking up for natural born women. It has become taboo to say you disagree with any issue related to the trans community’s infringement on natural born women’s rights. Those women are labeled as TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)

I am aware of my ‘radical’ ideas but as a woman, here are my views that would earn me the distinction of a TERF

  • There are two primary biological sexes: Male and Female
  • Intersex people do exist but their issues are not the same as a transgender
  • Cosmetic surgery will never change ones sex to another
  • One’s identity does not negate biology, DNA, or sex chromosomes. However, it is your prerogative to identify as you please
  • I support transgender rights to be treated with dignity like everyone else
  • I disagree with transwomen co-opting the spaces reserved for natural born woman
  • I do not advocate for the hurting or killing of trans due to their gender preference
  • Transwomen are not interchangeable for natural born women
  • Devious and predatory men will certainly take advance of identifying as transwomen to victimize or revictimize women


I am concerned that in this trans-world, women’s rights are the ones being primarily threatened. Ironically, there are no outcry for transmen to be included in men only spaces (male prisons, male locker rooms.)

I am concerned that the attack on women from different angles are primarily led by men who occupy spaced in the courts, the state government and men who identify as women.

I am concerned that women can be fired or reprimanded for wanting to be identified as women ( natural born women, pregnant women, lactating women, menstruating women etc.) separate from transwomen and other gender identifying people.

I am concerned that a mass persuasion, which is reinforced by threats to one’s livelihood and personal safety, about biological sex is infiltrating every aspect of our society including the scientific/medical community that refuses to accept the distinction of men and women.

I am concerned that the younger generation are not critical thinkers but followers of the masses or new trends even when they are being led astray.

When fear is used to silence others, then that is a problem

3 thoughts on “TERF – Derogatory or Honorary

  1. Wow. Why do you use “right to” and “abortion” in the same sentence? Why not just call it what it is, some women want a “right to” “kill their own baby” . . . that’s what an abortion means. And don’t play the fetus card; instead, get a medical dictionary and look up the definition of a fetus, then you will understand that medical science defines a fetus as a baby that is still in the womb; not a clump of cells or tissue, but a baby that simply hasn’t been born yet. Women have lots of control over their own bodies, it’s just that the “choices” women make are sometimes pretty bad; like having sex with a total loser, or having sex with a winner, but when you are nowhere near married and nowhere near ready to be having a baby yet. Beyond that, in this modern day, there are sooooooo many ways to have sex and still avoid pregnancy, they truth is that anyone, other than a victim of a forcible rape, who gets pregnant, literally made a choice to get pregnant. Baby killing isn’t cool, and killing a baby should never be the answer to a perceived problem that you created yourself.

    As for “trans” women; it’s a mental illness. Just as much as it would be a case of mental illness if I believed that I’m a guy (I’m not), it’s a mental illness if a guy thinks he is a woman. It’s the basic definition of psychosis — when a person believes something that is factually and demonstrably untrue. That said, why should women who truly believe in “equal rights” want to exclude a man from participating in something that women are allowed to participate in, especially when it comes to employment/educational opportunity and/or government operations and/or government funding? If there’s a scholarship to be had for playing volleyball, for example, why should the college discriminate against men (already under-represented on most college campuses) and only allow women to get that scholarship? I thought equal rights means you don’t discriminate based on sex; yet, that’s exactly what many feminists seek to do. In truth, you don’t want equal rights for women; you want special rights for women.


    1. Anonymous,
      I appreciate you taking the time to express your point of view and here are my responses to your comment. I am very aware that this post would have people who disagree which is perfectly fine.

      1. There are more exceptions to rape that justifies an abortion. Abortion is a term used to describe the expulsion of the fetus before birth such as spontaneous abortion, removing a baby that died in utero etc. I hope you are aware there are medical reasons to end a pregnancy and not just for birth control. I referred to one such example. You made an exception for‘killing a baby’ in the case of rape but not for medical necessity? Your argument agrees that the rape victim has a right to have an abortion. Keep in mind that not every rape victim chooses abortion. Watch Diane Sawyer and Rachel Scott’s Nightline interview about the effects of the blanket abortion ban.

      2. So, you force a woman to have a baby she does not want, then what? The kid is killed by a parent who hates it or not ready to be a parent? Neglected, exposed to abuse? Everyone says adoption. Well, have you ever worked with CPS, foster care, private or public adoption? I have. The next question is how do you support these women who have kids but don’t want them? Are you opposed to them being on welfare and other government assistance? Are you volunteering to assist these mothers after the child is born?

      3. Women’s sports are always under-funded and less visible than men’s sports. The women’s US soccer team was in the news recently about pay discrepancy in comparison to the men’s team. When it comes to sports, trans women and men should not take the space/scholarships designated for natural born women in women’s sports. Men’s sports have their own scholarships. Look at the history of marginalized groups which include women. If you are a woman in the US, you benefited from the 1st and 2nd wave of feminists in America. There is still ageism, sexism etc that affect women more than men. I hope you speak to women who work in construction, corporate and other spaces which are male dominated because they are not typically seen as equal.


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